Our Waxing Services
Waxing Services At Linda’s Beauty Therapy
Here at Linda’s Beauty Therapy we offer a wide range of waxing services. We invite you to share your concerns with our highly trained beauty therapists and see what type of advice or solutions they may have to offer you.
Please do not hesitate in getting in touch with us in relation to any questions or concerns you may have.
We offer various types of waxing | of which can be seen below:
- Eyebrow
- Lip and brow
- Lip or chin
- Lip and chin
- Sides of face
- Ears and nostrils
- Ears
- Nostrils
- Arm
- Underarm
- Bikini line (side only)
- XX – sides and top (following a G-string line)
- XXX – all hair removed
- Half leg
- Top half leg
- Three quarter leg
- Full leg
- Full leg and bikini line
- Half leg and XX
- Half leg and XXX
- Full leg and XX
- Full leg and XXX
- Back wax
- Chest wax
- Fingers or toes
- Pre-birth waxing, please enquire